High Supply Lowers Prices, Profits in Mass. Cannabis Market - NBC10 Boston
The price consumers pay for legal cannabis in Massachusetts is at a five-year low, according to state data. While that is a short-term win for users, it's bad news over the long term for businesses. The trouble is on two fronts: The wholesale value of the crop is greatly diminished, and at the retail level, businesses must sell about twice as many units to equal the revenue they were bringing in just a short time ago. "You're going to see some natural attrition happen within the marketplace," said Trent Woloveck, chief strategy director at Jushi — parent company of Nature's Remedy in Massachusetts. Multiple business executives in the industry tell NBC10 Boston an oversupply of product is the main culprit of a falling price. In Massachusetts, a slew of new grow operations, dispensaries and products have exploded onto the scene in a relatively short amount of time. While demand has grown, too — almost $200 million in adult-use sales in the first two months of 2...